Inorganic chemistry

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Inorganic chemistry

Inorganic chemistry specialises in studies on the synthesis and behaviour of inorganic and organometallic compounds. Within the field of inorganic chemistry, there is a particular emphasis on the synthesis, chemical reactions, molecular structures and properties of new inorganic and organometallic compounds and analysing their application such as energy storage, sensing, catalysis, and anticancer and antibacterial agents. The development of new methodologies, which allows the synthesis of highly functionalised inorganic materials with predictable properties, is also important.  

The research groups work on diverse projects in inorganic chemistry, but the main emphasis is on bioinorganic, organometallic, and supramolecular chemistry and their application in catalysis and medicinal chemistry.

Supramolecular- and bioinorganic chemistry

Our group focuses on synthesising and characterising metal-based compounds such as coordination complexes and metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) and evaluating their potential applications in sorption studies, anion recognition, catalysis, and anticancer agents. We are developing new methodologies for synthesising inorganic compounds, which are not achieved by the traditional routes. For example, we use supramolecular gels as reaction media for inorganic compounds and crystalising media for active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs).

See further information

Contact: Dr. Krishna K. Damodaran 


Incorporation of isotopes into molecuels

  • Efnasmíðar á molybdenum brennisteins komplexum og rannsóknir á efnahvataeiginleikum þeirra við flutning brennisteins til síaníðs. 
  • Hvarfhraðamælingar á skiptihvörfum og á hvötuðum hvörfum.
  • Efnasmíðar á peptíð komplexum og efnaeiginleikar þeirra.
  • Fjölliðanir á skautuðum ómettuðum efnum í samleitar og misleitar fjölliður. 

Contact: Sigríður G. Suman

Incorporation of isotopes into molecuels

Facilities and instruments

  • Bruker Avance 400 MHz spectrometer for NMR spectra
  • Bruker Daltonics micrOTOF-Q mass spectrometer for ESI-HRMS
  • JASCO J-1100 CD spectrometer
  • Thermo Scientific Nicolet iS50 FT-IR
  • Agilent Cary UV-Vis Multicell Peltier
  • Bruker D8 venture for SCXRD
  • Anton Parr MCR 302 Rheometer
  • TA Discovery SDT 650 - Simultaneous DSC-TGA
  • GPC system from Wyatt Technology including a Dawn 8 multi angled light scattering detector (MALS), an Optilab differential refractometer, a ViscoStar online differential viscometer and an Agilent 1260 Infinity VWD G7114A variable wavelength detector
  • Autopol V Automatic Polarimeter from Rudolf Research Analytical



    • CEM 2.0 Discovery microwave reactor

    Research group

    Picture of Krishna Kumar Damodaran Krishna Kumar Damodaran
    • Professor
    5254846 krishna [at] catalysis and supramolecular gels;;functional properties of coordination polymers/mofs;;anion recognition of biologically relevant compounds;;anticancer drugs;;crystallography;;co2 converstion Yes Faculty of Physical Sciences
    Picture of Sigríður Guðrún Suman Sigríður Guðrún Suman
    • Professor
    5254779 sgsuman [at] inorganic chemistry;;bioinorganic chemistry;;synthesis;;catalysis;;reaction mechanisms Yes Faculty of Physical Sciences